Twin solid alloy roofs can be removed and stored in the boot, which allows the occupants to appreciate to the full the beauty of their natural environment.
The processes used to make an Aero SuperSports are environmentally sustainable, as are the materials and construction methods.
The fuel tank has been positioned to maintain integrity in a collision and further improve the good weight distribution the Aero cars boast. A by-product of this is that Aero customers will enjoy an ample boot compartment capable of carrying a great deal of luggage.
The aluminium bodywork of the Aero SuperSports is Superformed. The whole car is effectively blown into shape, The passenger compartment has a layer of ash hardwood sandwiched between the alloy outer body panels and the rigid aluminium chassis. This wood will absorb energy and will help maintain the longevity of the alloy body over the life of the car. Morgan calls this process 21st Century Coach building.
Fine leathers, detailed instrumentation and real materials adorn the luxury cockpit. Individually personalised to your taste from a comprehensive options list, exclusivity is guaranteed as standard.